In our dental clinic Dents & Teeth, located in Barcelona, we will design a custom smile for you thanks to our wide variety of aesthetic treatments. A beautiful smile is not a perfect smile, but one that harmonizes with your face, so let our professionals advise you and get that smile you have always dreamed of.
At Dents & Teeth we are proud to offer state-of-the-art treatments to improve the appearance of your smile and help you feel more comfortable, secure and confident. One of the clinic's star treatments, which people perform the most today, would be dental whitening. For this, we use advanced whitening techniques to remove stains and discolorations on your teeth and leave them whiter and brighter.
In our center we use one of the best whitening brands on the market, the Philips Zoom, giving the option depending on the patient and their needs, to perform in-clinic whitening, at-home whitening or a combination of the two.
First of all, we will need a prior evaluation with the specialist to ensure that we are suitable to be able to undergo this treatment. Once we have been evaluated and confirmed that we can perform it, hygiene would be carried out prior to the sessions, since to obtain good results it must be have a good oral health.
Once the whitening has been carried out, the person in charge will provide the patient with all the information necessary for an optimal result, providing them with the necessary guidelines and referring them to their respective check-ups to control the final result.